Sunday, September 30, 2012

In the beginning...

I am the kind of person who when passionate about something (anything really) I become very animated, get louder and louder, and sometimes escalate into all out war zone. As soon as I'm done talking I go back to my normal self.  As you can imagine this tends to freak people out.

I was recently on a work trip and one evening several friends and a new comer to our group were out for dinner.  I told a story about an incident I had with the TSA while travelling with my family.  It was 6 months ago, but I still get pretty worked up about it and while telling the story I became very animated, got very loud, and pretty much as war zone as I was during the actual incident.  After telling the story I became my normal self again and my friends laughed at me, being used to my passion and our new comer said "Oh my gosh - you are just like a spider monkey!  You are all cute and cuddly and sweet and then BAM you go ballistic and scratch someone's face off!"

As our meeting continued my new friend encouraged me to write a blog about my spider monkey incidents as he thinks its really funny.  So here I am.  

To my new friend T - thank you for being the first person to appreciate my spider monkeyness and by the way this is all your fault!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Love the choice of Pics. Keep it going. This is good stuff, Spidey! ~S
